Schadt Park
Located at 12th Street and 4th Avenue, Schadt Park is adjacent to the McGehee Center (which is available for rent for Silvis Residents). Find playgrounds, a baseball field, one double tennis court, pickleball courts, volleyball courts, two basketball courts and an all-inclusive playground area. There are three shelters available on a first-come, first-served basis, restrooms, electricity, tables and grills.
Schadt Park is an all-inclusive park with a dedicated all-inclusive area on the southeast corner. The City of Silvis in cooperation with the Robo Gators project from Glenview Middle School in East Moline supported a project to build an all-inclusive merry-go-round at Schadt Park. The City of Silvis embraces this type of participation.
No alcohol or unleashed pets are allowed in the city parks. All outside picnic areas are on a first-come basis.
For information on sports leagues and other programs, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (309) 792-9181.
Memorials for park improvements and beautification are welcomed.

Contact Info
Phone: (309) 792-9181