Police Department
The City of Silvis Police Department is comprised of 17 sworn police officers, a Community Service Officer and two administrative support staff. Dispatching services are conducted through Qcomm 911 located in Milan, Illinois. The City of Silvis, along with Milan, East Moline, Moline and Hampton are contributing members to Qcomm 911. The dispatch center also provides emergency dispatch services for other regional volunteer fire departments.
The Silvis Police Department is committed to protecting and serving the citizens of Silvis, built on a partnership of trust and cooperation. The department is committed to maintaining a visible presence and professional deterrence of crime in collaboration with the citizens we serve. Please get in touch with the Silvis Police to report suspicious activities or crime in your neighborhood at (non-emergency) 309-792-1841 or in an emergency call 911. We appreciate your involvement in keeping the community safe.
The Community Service Officer handles complaints of abandoned vehicles, nuisance properties, and loose, neglected or abandoned domestic animals. Residents are reminded to have domestic animals leashed when outside the home. Domestic animals must be vaccinated and with proper animal tags. We recommend having your pet microchipped to aid us in safely returning your pet home if it becomes lost.
The Silvis Police Department would like to develop a partnership with the community residents and businesses in an effort to solve crime and apprehend criminals. This video-sharing partnership works on a voluntary basis with property owners who have private video security systems in place that record publicly accessible areas. Areas include streets, sidewalks, parking lots, etc. Police responding to burglaries, assaults and other crimes would be able to see all locations with cameras, allowing them to quickly locate and contact the registered video partner who potentially has recorded footage that could aid in an investigation.

Contact Info
600 Illini Drive, Silvis, IL, 61282
Phone: (309) 792-1841
Emergency Voice/TDD: 9-1-1
Non-emergency: (309) 792-1841