Amy Fry, Library Director
Amy Fry is a native Quad Citizen, born at Illini Hospital. She credits her lifelong love of reading to her grandmother, and their many visits to the Silvis Public Library. “She was an avid reader, and always had a stack of library books on her nightstand. She lived right up the hill from the Silvis Library and would frequently take my sister and I to visit. Those trips fostered my passion for literature – and the dream of one day becoming a librarian myself.”
Amy began her career in library service in January 2010, at the Silvis Public Library. She was promoted to assistant director in 2013 and assumed the library director position in 2018. Under Amy’s leadership, the library has undergone a series of building, technology, and service upgrades.
The library’s interior received a complete overhaul, including new windows, led lighting, flooring, library shelving, furniture, and artwork. Exterior renovations included masonry waterproofing, stucco restoration, a new gutter system, complete roof replacement, and parking lot resurfacing.
Technology enhancements included a fire alarm system replacement, security camera upgrade, cloud-based phone service, high-speed fiberoptic internet, and new patron computers.
Library services were added as well, including collections of mobile hot spots, Wonderbooks, and Launchpads. On October 1, 2022, the Silvis Public Library went fine free. “Fine free” means that patrons are no longer fined daily for overdue materials. This change is part of an institutional movement from libraries nationwide, guided by the recommendations of the American Library Association. “For far too long, late fees generated fear and anxiety among those who could least afford to pay, preventing them from opening library accounts, checking out books, or even coming through our doors. No one should feel like they can’t come to their library just because of an overdue charge,” said Library Director Amy Fry. Adding, “Going fine free was a major step towards making our library, the heart of our community, accessible to all.”
Amy is a member of the East Moline/Silvis Rotary, Friends of the Silvis Public, Kiwanis Club of East Moline-Silvis, Royal Neighbors Chapter 20167, and Silvis Lions Club. She lives in LeClaire with her two children, Scarlet and Connor, and their three cats.

Contact Info
806 1st Avenue, Silvis, IL, 61282
Phone: (309) 755-3393
Fax: (309) 755-1816
Additional Info:
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires that all public bodies make their records available to the public, subject to certain exemptions. To make a request to inspect or copy public library records, a FOIA request should be submitted to the designated FOIA officer. Amy Fry is the designated FOIA officer for the Silvis Public Library.
Library FOIA Request Forms
The Silvis Public Library will respond in one of the following ways within five business days of receipt of the request. Commercial requests may take up to 21 business days:
You will be notified of when and where the records may be inspected or how a copy may be obtained.
You will be notified that more time is needed to fulfill the request, the reason why and when the response or denial will be available. The response or denial will be made within an additional five business days unless otherwise agreed by the requester.
You will be notified that your request (or part of your request) was denied and the reasons for the denial.
You have the right to appeal any denial to the Public Access Counselor of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office at 500 South Second Street, Springfield, Illinois 62706, or to the circuit court.
All Silvis Public Library FOIA Requests can be emailed to the following:
Amy Fry, Library Director/Freedom of Information Officer
Silvis Public Library FOIA requests can also be faxed to: