The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires that all public bodies make their records available to the public, subject to certain exemptions. To make a request to inspect or copy public records, a FOIA request should be submitted to a designated FOIA officer. The directory of designated FOIA officers is included below and is listed by department. If you are not sure what department to submit your request to, you may submit it to any one of the designated FOIA officers and he/she will forward it to the appropriate department or departments.
FOIA requests for police records should be sent or delivered in person to the Silvis Police Department at 600 Illini Drive, Silvis, Illinois 61282. Other requests should be sent or delivered in person to the City Clerk’s Office, 121 11th Street, Silvis, Illinois 61282.
FOIA Request Forms
The city will respond in one of the following ways within five business days of receipt of the request. Commercial requests may take up to 21 business days:
You will be notified of when and where the records may be inspected or how a copy may be obtained.
You will be notified that more time is needed to fulfill the request, the reason why and when the response or denial will be available. The response or denial will be made within an additional five business days unless otherwise agreed by the requester.
You will be notified that your request (or part of your request) was denied and the reasons for the denial.
You have the right to appeal any denial to the Public Access Counselor of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office at 500 South Second Street, Springfield, Illinois 62706, or to the circuit court.

Contact Info
City Clerk’s Office, 121 11th Street, Silvis IL 61282
Phone: (309) 792-9181
Fax: (309) 792-9726
Additional Info:
All City of Silvis FOIA Requests can be emailed to the following:
Amy Malmstrom, City Clerk/Freedom of Information Officer
Police FOIA requests:
Police Chief, Mark VanKlaveren
Deputy Chief, Mark Copeland
Elizabeth Clark
Library FOIA requests:
For additional information regarding your request, please mail to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Amy Malmstrom / Information Request
121 11th Street
Silvis, IL. 61282
FOIA requests can also be faxed to: