Jerry Leibovitz, City Administrator
Jerry grew up in Silvis and lived in Arizona for most of his adult life. He moved back to Silvis in 2016, to be closer to his family. Silvis has always been home to Jerry. He is a leader and a team builder known for his unwavering integrity. With a humble and open-minded approach, he embodies a continuous learning mindset and values insight from all sources. His business experience spans over three decades, with a primary focus on maximizing revenue and mitigating liability risks across a diverse commercial real estate portfolio nationwide. He has been instrumental in crafting and executing successful comprehensive business plans on a national scale. His commitment to customer service underscores his leadership skills, coupled with an exceptional ability to adapt strategies to evolving circumstances. Notably, Jerry has spearheaded due diligence efforts, conduct feasibility studies, market surveys, and oversees fund-raising initiatives with finesse.
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Contact Info
Silvis City Hall, 121 11th Street Silvis, IL, 61282
Phone: (309) 792-9181
Fax: (309) 792-9726