TIF and Enterprise Zones for Silvis, IL
Silvis has a long history of working cooperatively with developers and businesses. Silvis’s goal is to retain and create quality full-time permanent jobs and to encourage private investment. The combination of incentives, locations, transportation, and infrastructure, makes Silvis the ideal location to build or expand your office, industrial, manufacturing, warehouse, distribution, retail, and related businesses. Silvis has created economic incentive programs, as a means to stimulate business growth and job creation right now. Let us help you bring your business to Silvis.
Download Silvis, IL Zoning Map (PDF)

Contact Info
Silvis City Hall, 121 11th Street, Silvis, IL, 61282
Phone: (309) 792-9181
Fax: (309) 792-9726
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., M-F