The McGehee Center
The McGehee Center - located at the back of Schadt Park - is available for rent to Silvis residents. The cost is $25 per hour with a $125 cash deposit. Please call City Hall at 309-792-9181 for more information.
McGehee Center & Phipps Prairie Park Rental Schedule
To reserve the Community Room at the Silvis Police Department contact:
309-792-1841 / M - F 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
No alcohol or unleashed pets are allowed in the City Parks. All outside picnic areas are on a first-come basis.
For information on sports leagues and other programs, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (309) 792-9181.
Memorials for park improvements and beautification are welcomed.

Contact Info
Phone: (309) 792-9181